Thursday, March 24, 2011

Describe the layers in a rainforest, illustrate your work.

What is a Rainforest?
There are four layers of a rainforest. The first layer of a rainforest  is the emergent layer. The emergent layer is the tallest of trees in the rainforest. It recieves the majorty of the sunlight. The next layer is the canopy. The canopy blocks the sun out from the rest of the rainforest and is home to many different animals. The third layer is the understory and contains the shortest trees. It is the layer above the ground. The last layer of most rainforests is the forest floor which holds many insects and leaves. Some rainforests have a shrub layer which also contains leaves and insects.                       
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is a rainforest?

A rainforest is a natural environment. They contain a variety of different species of animals an plants. Rainforests are usually located in tropical places such as Queensland. They are wet environments and have four layers. The top layer is called the emergant layer. The next layer is the canopy. The canopyhas a variety of different leaves and animals. A rainforest has more   than 100 different kinds of trees! Alot of insects live in and around all these trees. There are also many waterfalls in a rainforest.